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SubjectRe: Cylinder limits jumper for drives over 32GB
"H. Peter Anvin" wrote:

> In article <> of
>, you write:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I currently have a Micronics C400 motherboard
> > ( using an older version of the Award BIOS.
> > I recently purchased a 40 GB hard-drive and need to be able to boot
> > off of it as well as use the full 40 GB in Linux.
> >
> > Unlike other drives, where cylinder limits only changes the cylinders
> > reported, on this drive it also changes the LBA capacity to 66055248.
> > I can only assume that the real LBA capacity is then stored
> > elsewhere. With EZ-Drive loaded, at least EZ-Drive will set the
> > CHS to the correct size (for any drive over 8GB, heads is 255 and
> > sectors is 63 for EZ-Drive, cylinders is dependent on the capacity of
> > the drive, but is always over 4111 on a drive over 32GB).
> >
> You're not saying what hardware you're using, but it sounds like
> you're saying "I bought broken hardware, make it work."
> -hpa

In a way yes. However, it looks to me like ALL hard dirves over 32 GB do
things this way and hide the real LBA value some other place. My
particular drive is a Maxtor (I have been very happy with their new drives
lately.. very quiet, though run a bit hot at 7200 RPM, no problems

My hard-drive is not really broken though, it is just following a newer
standard. What is broken is my Award BIOS. What sucks is that this is
the first computer I have ever had with Award BIOS, and I never really
liked it on anyone elses computer, but bought my motherboard anyway.
Award *HAS* fixed the issue, but Diamond doesn't seem to be supporting the
motherboard anymore (it's a Micronics). The last BIOS update is from like
april 1999 or something, and I installed it and then reverted back to the
older BIOS, the new one has that stupid graphics screen at startup, and
doesn't support the drive anyway, and is really only needed for PIII
(I have a PII).


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