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Subject[2.3.99-pre3] via-rhine.o died again!
2.3.50 up to 2.3.99-pre1 killed the driver, 2.3.99-pre2 worked fine, but
2.3.99-pre3 made it die again.

The fact is, the driver loads, but the very first packet I send is going
to hang the via-rhine.o driver. This means I can see the stats in
/sbin/ifconfig eth0.

In 2.2.12-20, I can clearly see that the IRQ and base addresses are the
same - they should be anyway since they're assigned by the BIOS.

After shutting down the eth0 interface many times, removed the driver,
reloaded the driver, reactivated the eth0 interface, the very same error
keeps getting back every time I send the first packet:

eth0: Oversized Ethernet frame spanned multiple buffers, entry 0x1 length
0 status 00000000!
eth0: Oversized Ethernet frame c73ec010 vs c73ec010.

What does it means, I have no clue. The values in the second error change
everytime (I suppose it's a frame dynamically allocated in memory). Every
other packet I send after displays nothing, they just add up in the
Dropped counter in /sbin/ifconfig eth0.

Also, it's worth noting I already got one of the two above errors before
(I think it's the second one) in the 2.2.14 kernel (not sure), when the
network was in heavy load, especially when two systems used it at the same

My system:

FIC PA-2013 (Super 7, VIA MVP3)
Non-SMP of course.


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