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Subject** How to use ide-scsi.o instead of ide-tape.o?
Assuming I have 1 IDE drive on the first IDE controller, and 1 IDE tape
drive on the second controller. The tape drive would be on /dev/hdc. I
want to use the SCSI emulation (ide-scsi.o) for tape drive. There are
currently 2 solutions I can think of:
1) Recompile the kernel without ide-tape and simply modprobe the
ide-scsi.o module
2) Add append="hdc=ide-scsi" in the /etc/lilo.conf file and run lilo

I'm looking for a third solution that would work automatically without using
the solutions mentioned above. Let's say the kernel is compiled with
ide-tape compiled-in and ide-scsi.o as a module. If my program tries to
access /dev/hdc the IDE driver will have the ide-tape do the work since it's
compiled as part of the kernel, and it's registered before the ide-scsi.o

Is there a way to programmatically deactivate ide-tape even it's compiled as
part of the kernel so that the IDE driver would have the ide-scsi.o module
do the work if my program tries to access /dev/hdc?

I tried:
unregister_chrdev("ht0", 37); // 37 is major id for ide-tape

But that didn't seem to deactive the ide-tape at all.



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