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Subjectsound problems persist in 2.3.99pre3
I've made progress on my sound problems.  I can confirm that in order to
use the OPL3 synthesizer on my PAS16 the PAS16 has to be initialized
BEFORE opl3 is initialized. If pas16, soundblaster, and opl3 are built
into the kernel, the opl3 cannot be initialized correctly. I followed
this by reconfiguring the pas16 and soundblaster as builtins and the
opl3 as a module. when I did an insmod opl3 io=0x388 it worked
correctly and playmidi did its magic properly.

Maybe I was the only one who wasn't able to get everything working
correctly, but I am making progress. BTW the append line which finally
worked for me was:
pas2=0x388,10,3,-1,0x220,5,1,-1 sb=0x220,5,1,-1
If the sb= part was left off, soundblaster was not initialized. The
popular alternate suggestion:
opl3=0x388 pas2=0x388,10,3,-1,0,-1,-1,-1
also did not work for the opl3.

Alan, do you agree with my analysis? I can possibly create a patch to
have the pas2 code to do the proper opl3 initialization, but it will
take some time for me to get up to speed on the new way.

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