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SubjectRe: Overcommitable memory??
James Sutherland <>:
> On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 16:01:17 -0600, you wrote:
> >On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, James Sutherland wrote:
> >>On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 08:31:58 -0600, you wrote:
> >>>On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Rik van Riel wrote:
> >>>>On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:
> >>>>> On Tue, 14 Mar 2000 14:32:49 -0300 (BRST), Rik van Riel
> >>>>> <> said:
> (snip)
> >>It was never a system problem to begin with. The question is, which
> >>process does the system kill? It has to kill one process - killing the
> >>one which requested the memory is a case of "shooting the messenger".
> >
> ><sarcasm>I know a solution --- lets just always kill init. That way we will
> >definitly have the memory to run....</sarcasm>
> You have to kill something, let's try looking for something
> expendable. Something very big and newly started is the most suitable.

THAT DEPENDS ON POLICY - as defined by management. That "very big and newly
started" may NOT be the most suitable. If resource quotas are in place, then
the process would not have been started at all. If quotas are adjusted
to make resources available then again there is no need to abort any process.

> >>> Users (and processes) will get an Out-Of-Resource
> >>>errors which the users can deal with.
> >>
> >>In practice, they usually just die.
> >
> >The user still gets the choice.
> What "choice" - which error message they want?
> >>> The system administrators and
> >>>managemnt can analyze the resource accounting and determin where to
> >>>assign/reassign allocations of a finite resource.
> >>
> >>Most systems don't have/suffer from that degree of micromanagement.
> >
> >It is not micromanagement - it is a policy decision that someone has
> >to make. This decision affects every user, and potentially, the viability
> >of the company.
> Setting per-user rlimits low enough to avoid users causing each other
> problems is reasonable enough. The approach you suggested of nailing
> the users to the floor just in case they happen to gang up on another
> user is taking things too far in most cases.
> Either way, it has nothing to do with this.

It prevents the OOM on the system. It is shifted to the responsible party.
It is under the control of management.

Right now none of this is possible.

> >>> In all cases, the
> >>>system should not crash.
> >>
> >>I never suggested it should - if it ever crashes, this is a bug. This
> >>is NOT what we are discussing here. The system doesn't crash - it just
> >>kills one or more processes. The issue is, WHICH process?
> >
> >Right now, and in a LOT of cases - it kills the "wrong" one, making the
> >system unusable.
> Such as? Properly configured, almost any process could be respawned
> automatically. The problem is, whichever process gets an "out of
> resources" message dies - so which process do you deliver it to?

That depends on management decision, as controled by resource allocation.

> >>> System processes should not abort unless they
> >>>are exceeding the resources allocated to them. User processes should
> >>>not be able to cause random process aborts.
> >>
> >>Which is the aim of Rik's patch, largely. Until we actually have
> >>per-user resource quotas, though, there is not a lot you can do about
> >>it.
> >
> >Correct - We Need Resource Quotas - Although Rik's patch makes things
> >look better sometimes, not always.
> It is always better than the almost-random deaths at present.

True - the thread is over getting something better.

> >>>This also allows self recovery from some forms of DoS attacks. If
> >>>telnetd recieves 1000 connections then it could exceed resource
> >>>limits. inetd may die (or sendmail or...). With resource limits
> >>>in place, at least inetd would be able to handle that - if say
> >>>no more than 50 concurrent interactive logins were allowed, the
> >>>other connections would be denied.
> >>
> >>No - inetd just gets an OOM error, and dies. Same as before.
> >
> >No it doesn't - It refuses to spawn more of the daemons (at least it
> >should - the quota has been exceeded).
> It might as well exit until resources are available again, though; it
> can't do anything useful without resources anyway, so why hog the ones
> it has?

INETD exit?

> >>> The same goes for Apache which
> >>>DOES do this.
> >>
> >>No. If a child dies, it spawns a replacement (just like inetd, init
> >>etc. do). If the parent dies (as it would, for OOM situations) the WWW
> >>site is down.
> >
> >If the parent is killed, yes. But the resource quotas have presumably
> >been computed to support the proper number of slaves. Thus the parent
> >doesn't die, but the child process (doing a runaway database query for instance)
> >would.
> You have no control over which process gets refused resources first -
> eventually, it will be the parent.

That is why resource quotas are needed. BTW, the parent process is the
one most unlikely to be aborted - all of its memory has already been allocated
and used. New connections reuse exsting buffers, and pass the connection to
a child. It would be unlikely that the apache parent has page faults to any
new memory allocation. It should be counted as a BUG if the parent process
is aborted on COW.

> > At this point it becomes the job of "per process" quotas rather
> >than "per user". This particular example MIGHT be handled by currently
> >existing limits if it weren't for the fact that the SYSTEM cannot control
> >resource consumption.
> Again, we need per-user rlimits. I know that - so what?

That is what we are talking about to be able to control the system level OOM.

> >>> If the proper resource allocation were given then
> >>>usrs running wild memory allocators would not be able to crash
> >>>the system by causing init to die.
> >>
> >>They shouldn't be able to anyway - Rik's patch should ensure that init
> >>will always survive, even if every other process on the box is hosed.
> >>(Of course, if init was the malfunctioning process to begin with...)
> >>
> >>>All else is a matter of implementation.
> >>
> >>The core problem remains. You, the user, have a finite amount of
> >>memory available to you, however that limit is defined. Once you run
> >>out, your processes will start dying.
> >
> >Yes - ME THE USER. I should not be able to cause the SYSTEM a problem.
> You aren't able to cause the system a problem.

I can now. I've seen it on every system from 2.x onward. I didn't complain
before because it hadn't raised its' head high enough to cause major failures.
Now it does.

> >I should not be able to cause OTHER users a problem.
> You can't. If you start up a memory hog which would otherwise cause
> problems, it promptly gets killed.

NOPE. If the hog grows slowly, and has relatively infrequent execution it
becomes paged out. The processes that get aborted seem to be the ones in memory
and trying to expand rapidly right then. Besides, the hog may be the properly
running statistical analysis program that should not be aborted. It is not
possible to tell via huristic algorithms. They can work sometimes, but not
always. It depends on the intended purpose of each system.

> >>We need per-user resource limits, ideally - until then, everything is
> >>done with process granularity instead. This is a shortcoming we all
> >>know about already, but not one that is likely to be fixed any time
> >>soon.
> >
> >That is possibly why the OOM complaints will not go away.
> I haven't heard any complaints about this. A couple of requests for
> improvements (per-user rlimits) and a load of complaints about the
> current malloc() implementation allowing sparse matrixes, but not much
> else.

Every time the OOM complaint comes up. And the thread comes up once or twice
with every kernel release. This time it seems to have been more completly
explored than any of the previous occurances.

Things that still haven't been talked about (though mentioned somewhere):

a. having instrumented the kernel to determine how much oversubscription
is needed.
b. Determining what the overhead is for resource quotas
c. Determining how often the OOM condition occurs.
d. Determining if resource quotas can really help (my opinion) and how much.
e. Developing performance curves based on the amount of overcommiting that can
be done per OOM occurance and the severity of the OOM.

I'm already working in one area where OOM is considered catastrophic -
High security and high availablity systems must NOT have the system go
OOM. That is what per user resource quotas help to prevent.

a. high security systems do not accept the audit logger (not necessarily
syslog) since having the logger killed could hide a security attack.
b. High availability servers do not like having the hartbeat monitor die -
That would signal the other system that the first is down when it really
isn't. This can lead to data corruption and failure of both systems.

Attempting to auto recover from these failures only makes the system more
crash prone.
Jesse I Pollard, II

Any opinions expressed are solely my own.

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