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SubjectSound problems in 2.3.99
several problems have cropped up in the 99 pre series.

1. I originally got an undefined reference to sbmixnum when compiling
sb_common.c. A hack, suggested by someone on the list was to change its
declaration from static int to int in sb_mixer.c. This worked but may
not be the correct fix. An alternate change was suggested by Paul
Laufer. I haven't been able to test this one as other, more interesting
problems have cropped up.

2. OPL3 FM Synthesizer initialization doesn't work. This was traced to
the following line in opl3.c:
signature = stat1 = inb(ioaddr); /* Status register *

A printk at this point shows that after this call signature has the
value ff, whereas in 2.3.47 it has the value 0. ioaddr has the value
0x388 at this point as it should.

Setting signature to 0 allows the Synthesizer to be initialized, but
sound is distorted.

3. Proper initialization of SoundBlaster support doesn't seem to
occur. I haven't had a chance to look at this problem.

My append line in lilo.conf looks like this:
append="ide0=dma sb=0x220,5,1,1 opl3=0x388

all on one line of course.

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