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Subjectproblems compiling v2.3.xx kernel
Since I noticed that the new dev release of the kernel was well underway,
and I have always attempted to use the dev kernels when I had a choice, I
decided to try these.
While I am impressed with the features now available compared to when I
last had a chance to use a dev level kernel, I can't get the thing to
comile. If it isn't complaining about files missing that aren't
(2.3.8&2.3.9) it complains that files are being included multiple times
(2.3.99-pre1) I was wondering if this was just a quirk of the makefiles or
a problem with my copy of gcc.

I have just downloaded and patched 2.3.9-pre1 to pre2 and am going to
attempt a recompile, but I dont know if it'll help any.

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