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Subjectkernel BUG at block_dev.c:426!
Mounting a CDR containing an ext2 file system under 2.3.51 fails (mount -t
ext2 /dev/cdrom /cdrom). This same CDR works fine under 2.0.36. The block
size for the ext2fs file system on the CDR is 1024 bytes (this allows the
CDR to store more small files than an ISO9660 file system can store using
the normal 2k block size). Below are the messages logged and the output of

Thanks, Rik

Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: VFS: Unsupported blocksize on dev sr(11,0).
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: kernel BUG at block_dev.c:426!
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: invalid operand: 0000
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: CPU: 0
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c0145ced>]
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: eax: 0000001f ebx: c17ad3e0 ecx: c028acb8 ed
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: esi: 00000b00 edi: ffffffea ebp: d6e32360 es
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: Process mount (pid: 824, stackpage=caf25000)
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: Stack: c024638b c024653b 000001aa 00000000 c014451
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: 00000001 c17ad3e0 c028f41c 00000b00 c0144a7
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: c024ac00 00000001 ca7eb000 caf24000 c0ed000
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: Call Trace: [<c024638b>] [<c024653b>] [<c0144514>]
[<c0144a7a>] [<c024ac00>] [<c010bea4>]
Mar 18 18:33:07 light kernel: Code: 0f 0b 83 c4 0c 8b 53 04 8b 03 89 50 04 89 02

>>EIP: c0145ced <bdput+75/e0>
Trace: c024638b <tvecs+3d33/513b>
Trace: c024653b <tvecs+3ee3/513b>
Trace: c0144514 <do_mount+280/300>
Trace: c0144a7a <sys_mount+262/334>
Code: c0145ced <bdput+75/e0> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c0145ced <bdput+75/e0> 0: 0f 0b ud2a
Code: c0145cef <bdput+77/e0> 2: 83 c4 0c addl $0xc,%esp
Code: c0145cf2 <bdput+7a/e0> 5: 8b 53 04 movl 0x4(%ebx),%edx
Code: c0145cf5 <bdput+7d/e0> 8: 8b 03 movl (%ebx),%eax
Code: c0145cf7 <bdput+7f/e0> a: 89 50 04 movl %edx,0x4(%eax)
Code: c0145cfa <bdput+82/e0> d: 89 02 movl %eax,(%edx)

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