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Subject2.3.51: Sigseg/Sigbus with very large processes

I'm afraid this is a bit nebulous, but I have been seeing sigseg or
sigbus with development kernels for some time that I'm not seeing with
2.2.14. They only happen with large images: netscape and mozilla are good
targets. An almost surefire way to get one is to build
/src/mozilla/layout, which involves an ld that grows to 54mb. I'm running
a k6-233, with the 'stepping b' bug, which involves glitches with >32mb,
so I'm running it with 32mb. I had dismissed these faults as a buggy chip,
but the chip works fine with 2.2.14, so I thought I should mention this.
Sorry I can't be more precise, but the gist of it is a k6-233 with
stepping b bug, 32 mb sdram, large images, works fine with 2.2.14.
Testbed: check out /src/mozilla and build it, or just cd into
/src/mozilla/layout and make that, and you'll get that huge ld.
Clue: I was tracking what appeared to be a mozilla bug, but which may have
been this bug in action. Based on the appearance of the backtrace, a
mozilla hacker suspected stack corruption.
If no one else is seeing anything like this, I'd dismiss it as some
peculiarity of my suspect hardware, which I'd do myself if it occured with

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to run tests, etc.


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