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Subject[PATCH] Olympic BugFix (2.2.x & 2.3.99) - Token Ring still broken on smp 2.3.99
Please find attached two patches for the olympic driver, one against
2.2.15pre14 and one against 2.3.99pre1. This patch fixes a bug in the
driver that stops it connected in Full Duplex Mode. Apologies for this last
minute fix, but this was only found and fixed last week.

Token Ring is still broken on SMP in 2.3.99. I have been trying to find
this one and it is currently eluding me. I do have one solution, but it
involves using the new source routing code (all 53 k of it), which itself
should probably be held off until the 2.5 tree is started.

When the machine locks (no panic) EIP reckons it is in rpc_del_timer, so
there is a very subtle timing bug in the source routing code. I have tried
all the obvious stuff with the timer that is used in the source routing
code, but I can still make it lock (Admittably you do have to pump a serious
amount through the interface to get it to die, anywhere between 100-500 Mb
in a continuous stream at token ring speeds approx 1.3Mb/sec). I've turned
on DEBUG in spinlock.h and I'm not getting any locking problems.

Does anyone have any ideas that may help with this problem, hopefully we can
get this fixed before 2.4 comes out.

Mike Phillips

<<olympic-2.2.15pre14.patch.gz>> <<olympic-2.3.99-pre1.patch.gz>>
[unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream][unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream]
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