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SubjectRe: /proc/config patch update and a minor question (fwd)
"A month of sundays ago Michael Elizabeth Chastain wrote:"
> Aha. I have to say: I would prefer a simpler, more robust design.
> If you just take the .config file, compress that, and link it into
> the system image, it's not very large. And then you are guaranteed
> to get the same contents!

I know. This was the design rejected by the kernel gods, and the one I

However, don't worry. One can compile the proc config patch as two
modules, as I described, or as 1 kernel stump plus a module, or as one
module, or as all-in kernel. In any compilation choice where the two
halves are _together_ (all-in or 1 module), the keys are removed from
the relational join at compile time.

And the keys themselves are sufficient and robust, being generated
by the gnu cksum program. Robustness was my aim. That was why I didn't
use assigned or nonstandard keys. But I think I could produce an
extensible assigned table.

> Michael

BTW, I believe the original reason why ye gods rejected the config.gz
design was because they couldn't guarrantee it stayed below 4k. That
limit of proc readouts has been removed somewhere along the way, if
one knows how. I had to do the trick to get the full unexpurgagated 12K

bambam:/usr/oboe/ptb% cat /proc/config | wc
618 618 12906

(618 config options recorded, 12.9K chars). Incidentally, if I compress
that, I get about 3.3K chars:

bambam:/usr/oboe/ptb% cat /proc/config | sed -e s/^CONFIG_// | gzip -c | wc
9 72 3294

That is about the same size as the kernel stump I use. I believe it
measures at 618*4byte key + 618*1byte index + about 500-1K bytes overhead.
And no compression.

So .. any idea why use_config() in mkdep.c wouldn't find all the
CONFIG_* uses in the kernel source?


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