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SubjectFwd: PATCH: Linux locks when you try to mount volume and NFS server is down
If you do

/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs restart

and then some computer tries to mount a volume of the server, it locks.
Tracking down the problem, we could see that it happens if all the following
conditions are true:

- NFS server daemons [nfsd] are down;
- rpc.mountd is up;
- you run exportfs -a or exportfs -r; and of course
- if you try to mount some volume.

When a client tries to mount a NFS volume, it provokes the following function
calls in knfsd:

exp_rootfh -> fh_put -> add_to_fhcache -> find_fhe

find_fhe must return a file handle that already lies in the cache, OR an empty
space so add_to_fhcache can put the file handle in the cache. But, if NFS
server is down, the cache size becomes zero, and find_fhe does not return any
file handle nor an empty cache entry.

So add_to_fhcache tries to invalidade some old file handle (it will fail
because cache size is zero anyway) and will call find_fhe again, that will fail,
so it will try to invalidate something again and... we have an infinite loop
that locks the server.

The following patch makes add_to_fhcache test if nfsd_nservers is zero; if it
is, it will not loop because it knows the allocation will be unsucessfull
anyway. (It applies for kernel 2.2.14)

--- nfsfh.c.orig Tue Jan 4 16:12:23 2000
+++ nfsfh.c Fri Mar 10 13:23:04 2000
@@ -676,6 +676,15 @@
return 1;

+ /* if nfsd_server is zero, NFSD_MAXFH will be zero too, so
+ * find_fhe() will NEVER find the file handle NOR an empty space,
+ * and expire_slot will not be able to expire any file handle,
+ * because NFSD_MAXFH is zero ... */
+ if (nfsd_nservers <= 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
goto repeat;
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