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Subject2.3.42 oops free pages...
Hi guys,

2.3.42 appeared stable for a while {2days}. But now I got the same oops that i used to get in 2.3{.39/.40/.41}.
The system is slightly more loaded this time..

Setup: AMD K6-2/333,UP,SuSE 6.3 setup,glibc 2.1,XFree86 v3.3.5, kernel compiled with CONFIG_MK6=yes

Any help appreciated.

- Abhay

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00010378
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c012e49f>]
EFLAGS: 00010046
eax: 00010374 ebx: c01f046c ecx: c10cac40 edx: c1121ae0
esi: c10cac40 edi: c1049010 ebp: c10cabb0 esp: c22f5efc
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process mixer_applet (pid: 7764, stackpage=c22f5000)
Stack: 00000000 c10cabb0 00154000 00000002 00001cd4 00081ba0 c1049010 c01f0494
00000216 fffffffe 00000735 c012ecf9 00000000 c14ae55c c012420c c10cabb0
c2b1f180 40554000 c3d51a20 00003000 000c9ba0 00000000 00157000 c3e1f404
Call Trace: [<c012ecf9>] [<c012420c>] [<c0126b4c>] [<c01184c8>] [<c011e1c8>] [<c011e3ce>] [<c010caf4>]
Code: 2b 0d 7c 01 1f c0 8d 04 49 8d 04 41 89 c2 c1 e2 06 01 d0 8d
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: 2b 0d 7c 01 1f c0 8d 04 49 8d 04 41 89 c2 c1 e2 06 01 d0 8d '
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c012e49f <__free_pages_ok+18f/290>
Trace: c012ecf9 <free_page_and_swap_cache+79/80>
Trace: c012420c <zap_page_range+18c/230>
Trace: c0126b4c <exit_mmap+bc/130>
Trace: c01184c8 <mmput+18/40>
Trace: c011e1c8 <do_exit+158/350>
Trace: c011e3ce <sys_exit+e/10>
Trace: c010caf4 <system_call+34/38>
Code: c012e49f <__free_pages_ok+18f/290> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c012e49f <__free_pages_ok+18f/290> 0: 2b 0d 7c 01 1f c0 subl 0xc01f017c,%ecx <===
Code: c012e4a5 <__free_pages_ok+195/290> 6: 8d 04 49 leal (%ecx,%ecx,2),%eax
Code: c012e4a8 <__free_pages_ok+198/290> 9: 8d 04 41 leal (%ecx,%eax,2),%eax
Code: c012e4ab <__free_pages_ok+19b/290> c: 89 c2 movl %eax,%edx
Code: c012e4ad <__free_pages_ok+19d/290> e: c1 e2 06 shll $0x6,%edx
Code: c012e4b0 <__free_pages_ok+1a0/290> 11: 01 d0 addl %edx,%eax
Code: c012e4b2 <__free_pages_ok+1a2/290> 13: 8d 00 leal (%eax),%eax

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