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SubjectRe: DVD-ROM problems
Below are the lines from dmesg as I follow these steps:

1) Insert CD-ROM (Windows 98 OEM CD)
2) mount /cd
ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
ISOFS: changing to secondary root
3) umount /cd
4) insmod udf
udf: registering filesystem
5) Remove CD, insert DVD (Tomorrow Never Dies)
6) tstdvd /dev/cdrom
7) mount /dvd
UDF-fs DEBUG (lowlevel.c, 71): udf_get_last_session: XA disk: no,
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 1334): udf_read_super: Multi-session=0
UDF-fs DEBUG (lowlevel.c, 366): udf_get_last_block: BLKGETSIZE
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 1343): udf_read_super: Lastblock=0
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 434): udf_vrs: Starting at sector 16 (2048 Byte
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 461): udf_vrs: ISO9660 Primary Volume Descriptor
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 470): udf_vrs: ISO9660 Volume Descriptor Set
Terminator found
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 782): udf_vol_pvoldesc: recording time 891862088,
1998/4/6 7:28 (1e20)
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 889): udf_load_logicalvol: Partition (0) type 1
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 931): udf_load_logicalvol: FileSet found in
LogicalVolDesc at block=0, partition=0
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 828): udf_load_partdesc: Searching map: (0 == 0)
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 868): udf_load_partdesc: Partition (0:0 type
1511) starts at physical 261, block length 4122530
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 1155): udf_load_partition: Using anchor in block
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 756): udf_find_fileset: Fileset at block=0,
UDF-fs DEBUG (super.c, 814): udf_find_fileset: Rootdir at block=2,
UDF-fs INFO Mounting volume '', timestamp 1998/04/6 06:28
8) cat /dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB > /dev/null (can read entire file)
9) cat /dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB > /dev/null (can read part of file)
(NOTE: this message is repeated many times, and fills dmesg's buffer)
16:00: rw=0, want=639210, limit=639186
dev 16:00 blksize=2048 blocknr=319604 sector=1278416 size=2048 count=1
attempt to access beyond end of device
(this message is repeated from want=639210 through want=639188 in
increments of 2, although there may be previous lines that were pushed out
of the buffer)
10) cat /dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB > /dev/null (can't read file)
attempt to access beyond end of device
16:00: rw=0, want=4019352, limit=639186
dev 16:00 blksize=2048 blocknr=2009675 sector=8038700 size=2048 count=1
attempt to access beyond end of device
16:00: rw=0, want=4019354, limit=639186
dev 16:00 blksize=2048 blocknr=2009676 sector=8038700 size=2048 count=1
attempt to access beyond end of device
16:00: rw=0, want=4019352, limit=639186
dev 16:00 blksize=2048 blocknr=2009675 sector=8038700 size=2048 count=1
attempt to access beyond end of device
16:00: rw=0, want=4019354, limit=639186
dev 16:00 blksize=2048 blocknr=2009676 sector=8038700 size=2048 count=1
12) umount /dvd

Sorry for the verbosity of this message, I just want to make sure you have
all that you need. Also, that "limit=639186" is not dependant on which DVD
I'm trying to read, but does change depending on the last CD I had mounted.
That may be the root of my problem.

In my original message I mentioned a program I wrote to count characters in
a file. What I found was that if I mounted a CD-ROM, and it was 450 MB,
then unmounted the CD and mounted and authenticated a DVD I could read 450MB
from /dev/cdrom and then I received an EOF. This doesn't happen with the
Toshiba drive so that's why I figured it must be in the hardware and was
hoping a work around could be found.

-Sam Umbach

>On Wed, Feb 09 2000, Samuel M Umbach wrote:
> > This is what I do at the root prompt (w/ the Pioneer drive)
> >
> > #mount /dvd
> > #tstdvd /dev/cdrom
>(usually you tstdvd prior to mounting, but it's usually not a problem).
> > not Authenticated
> > Request AGID [1]... AGID 0
> > Host Sending Challenge: 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
> > LU sent key1: FD 14 D4 74 2A
> > Drive Authentic - using varient 0
> > LU sent challenge: 23 22 8E F5 86 EE BB 8B CB 3F
> > Host sending key 2: 8D 8D 6B C7 9B
> > DVD is authenticated
> > Received Session Key: B6 3D 2A 82 94
> > not Authenticated
> > Received Disc Key: 7A 7D 51 2E ED 2F 06 89 A6 6C
> > Authenticated
> >
> > #cat /dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB
> > cat: /dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB: Input/output error
>Ok, so it authenticates fine at least. I'd like to see the errors that
>get dumped to the logs at this point (dmesg), this might not be a
>plain I/O error.
>* Jens Axboe <>
>* Linux CD-ROM Maintainer

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