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SubjectRe: BSource Code Release of NWFS 2.0 for 2.2/2.3/2.4

Oh Rick, everyone is always so serious -- lighten up -- it's just open
debate. Al is pretty hateful at times, and I realize he has strong
views -- but everyone's views are different -- that's the great thing
about an open forum like this -- people can get offended -- people can
agree -- people can disagree -- and we can FIX ALL OUR BUGS. It's also
quite healthy to give people a good kick in the duff from time to time
-- it gets them thinking, and if being mad at me polarizes folks and
makes them more effective, so be it.

I hope you guys can just take it in stride and carry on. Its not a
serious game where an end comes, we just keep moving forward. Also,
your partisan side is showing.....

Your friend,


Rik van Riel wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> > Does anything helpful ever some out of your mouth, or just raw
> > sewage? College professor types always seem to rely on character
> > assasination when they feel ill-equipped in competitive situations.
> I think "character assasination" (or, more precise, harakiri)
> is what you did in the email that started off this thread.
> Sure, Linux development is different than development of
> closed source software, but that's no reason for a bi-monthly
> flamefest. Time to dig out the "don't drink and mail" sign
> and permanently bury this thread. In your wise words: "get
> over it".
> > I'd really like to meet you face to face sometime and see if your
> > as brave when you don't have the internet to hide behind. What
> > trade shows are you planning to go to? Let's get together at one
> > and "talk" about our relationship problems.
> Judging from your original post and your later apology this
> would only be a good idea if we stick to drinks that are less
> flammable than we ourselves are. Maybe email really isn't a
> good medium to talk this out; a polite face to face meeting
> may indeed be better...
> kind regards,
> Rik
> --
> The Internet is not a network of computers. It is a network
> of people. That is its real strength.
> -
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