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SubjectRe: BSource Code Release of NWFS 2.0 for 2.2/2.3/2.4
On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:

> Does anything helpful ever some out of your mouth, or just raw
> sewage? College professor types always seem to rely on character
> assasination when they feel ill-equipped in competitive situations.

I think "character assasination" (or, more precise, harakiri)
is what you did in the email that started off this thread.

Sure, Linux development is different than development of
closed source software, but that's no reason for a bi-monthly
flamefest. Time to dig out the "don't drink and mail" sign
and permanently bury this thread. In your wise words: "get
over it".

> I'd really like to meet you face to face sometime and see if your
> as brave when you don't have the internet to hide behind. What
> trade shows are you planning to go to? Let's get together at one
> and "talk" about our relationship problems.

Judging from your original post and your later apology this
would only be a good idea if we stick to drinks that are less
flammable than we ourselves are. Maybe email really isn't a
good medium to talk this out; a polite face to face meeting
may indeed be better...

kind regards,

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