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SubjectRe: SCSI errors while playing music and doing a tape backup
William M. Perkins wrote:
> I am getting the following SCSI timeout error while I try to
> do a dump (version 0.4b13) tape (Archive Python 25501-XXX
> Rev: 5.45) backup and play music off my cdrom (Yamaha CRW6416S
> Rev: 1.0b) using xmcd (version 2.2) all at the same time:
> The music will stop, and the dump will ask to restart. I am
> running Red Hat 6.1 (cartman) with the 2.2.15pre5 kernel. The
> system has two NCR SCSI host controls: the hard disks are all
> on host 0.
> If I play DOOM using the Dumb software (ldoom) on a tty screen,
> instead of playing music, a similar problem does occur when
> the ldoom program starts.

I too have noticed this, but only with DOOM... a few weeks ago
I got an urge to play doom, I had an old backup from an ancient
Slackware install which refused to run on RH 6.0 (no libc5), so I
grabbed the source + recompiled. Bang! Every time.

I ended up rebooting to DOS to play doom, and promised myself I'd
figure this one out later (I never did).

This weekend, I noticed a problem with my spectrum emulator
(spectemu-0.84 IIRC), one of the game images was acting strangely.
So I recompiled vgaspect, ran it and... boom!

It bombs out while autodetecting my card... I'm typing this at work,
so all this is off the top of my head: the first line is 'blah blah
blah undetected card' then loads of SCSI errors then 'using VGA
driver' then finally a segfault.

I kept the _old_ (precompiled) vgaspect binary, and that works fine.
Just the new recompiled one that bombs...

I suspect libsvga is doing some bad magic (though why on earth it
would mess with my SCSI subsystem is quite beyond me). I think I need
to configure libsvga, but I'm not sure how (/etc/vgalib?) or else I
need to recompile libsvga with some debug info enabled...

Does your dump program use libsvga?

For the record I also have similar hardware: a diamond fireport 40
scsi controller (ncr53c875 based) and a yamaha crw6416s cdrom drive.
The Yamaha is quite a new addition...

If I figure it out, I'll let you know, but of course if anyone can
say 'ah ha! it's XYZ' then that would save me a lot of work :-)


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