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SubjectRe: kernel read/write question
I would like to first of all apologize to the
community. I was looking for help with one thing, and
it turned into a "use e2compr for all your needs." I
have no problems with e2compr, nor do I intend to
replace it. My intent was to see if I could
manipulate data at the location where the I/O stuff
was occuring and where the application developer makes
the system call.

I was using the disk compression as an example because
it was something I was toying with over break and
became a bit overwhelmed with the vtables and all of
the low-level stuff. The second reason was that the
patches for e2compr were only avaliable for the 2.2x
series, and I had already patched my kernel to 2.3.35
at that time and was having an absolute riot trying to
patch in the e2compr patch after I made the initial
patches and deleted them from my hard drive.

Now I have reinstalled Linux on my machine because a
package refused to agree with me, and I have compiled
in patches for the latest 2.2.x release (14), and I
have also patched with e2compr. I still have yet to
update the rest of my OS so the kernel may work and
have yet to try the patch. Riley is right when he said
that I haven't looked at the code yet, but I did have
a chance to over the weekend, and the smoke test has
yet to come.

But my original question still has yet to be answered,
and that is where does the low-level I/O and the
system call come together?

If I stepped on any toes or if this came out wrong, I


Christopher A. Baumbauer

"Time is an illusion" - Ford
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