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SubjectQuestion on memory mapping
Hello All:

I had a question regarding memory mapping.

If I send a pointer to a user memory (allocated in the user space) to the
kernel, will I find an entry in the vmlist (struct vm_struct *vmlist)?
Does vmlist point to the virtual pages in the kernel or is it a list which
has both user and kernel pages?

I want to get to the physical address. I looked at the shared memory
implementation. I think I can get the vm_area_struct of this address. Can
I get the physical page from vm_area_struct?

Ultimately what I want to achieve is I want to map the user allocated
memory to the kernel (sort of reverse operation done by mmap). So, after
getting the physical address, will allocating a virtual page and mapping
that virtual page to the physical page of the user address do the job? If
not, how should I do the mapping?


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