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Subject[patch] keyboard-2.3.42-A0

2.3.41 broke my keyboard, the reason is the less forgiving nature of
dealing with keyboard errors. The attached patch makes send_data() a bit
more patient, until the reason for the errors is found.

it seems a couple of keyboard commands at bootup fail on my box - this
magically gets fixed later on. (something times out? is my box too fast?)

prior to 2.3.41 i was getting such timeouts:

Keyboard timeout[2]
Keyboard timeout[2]

two very different systems show this failure mode. Both have keyboards
connected over the PS2 port. One is a true PS2 keyboard, the other one is
an old-style one converted with a PS2 converter cable. Basically the only
similarity in those systems is that both are SMP systems, use the PS2 port
and are rather fast. (and run similar kernel .config-s.) No USB enabled in
the kernel.

i happen to have logs which shows 2.3.30 showing the same boot-time
keyboard timeout. Nevertheless i have another 2.3.30 log which shows no
such timeout. Unfortunately i was working on many patches at once so it's
not clear what kind of 2.3.30 kernel it was. Neither do i have all
historic logs so it's not clear wether prior kernels ever have shown this
problem. (but 2.3.30-ish appears to be the first occasion from the logs i

let me know if there is any patch or other debugging suggestion i should

-- mingo
--- linux/drivers/char/pc_keyb.c.orig2 Fri Feb 4 05:38:13 2000
+++ linux/drivers/char/pc_keyb.c Fri Feb 4 05:39:15 2000
@@ -505,12 +505,7 @@
printk(KERN_WARNING "keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present?\n");
- /*
- * Investigate why some keyboards fail for
- * one or two commands but then magically
- * recover.
- */
-// kbd_exists = 0;
+ kbd_exists = 1;
return 0;
 \ /
  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:56    [W:0.036 / U:0.996 seconds]
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