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SubjectHOW-To: Selection of 10 or 100 Mb
Sorry if this is covered in a how-to, but I've search most of them, man
pages, and various kernel docs, and no where could I find how to set an
ethernet card capable of both 10 and 100Mbps operation to specifically
one or the other. Also, I could not find where to show what the card is
currently set to. I feel like an idiot :/

I'd like this for my card, a SUN here at work (Happy Meal's can do both
10 and 100 can't they?), and for a friend having issues with this.
Also, I've seen cases where a two nics had constant errors when both
were set to auto-detect the speed and a simple cross-over cable was used
instead of a switch - they'd collide somehow trying to auto-adjust and
get TONS of CRC errors (although I think this was the fault of either
the NFS server provider or SUN as it was a solaris box connected to a
netapp nfs server - but I someone said they'd seen the same problem
elsewhere as well - the solution was to set one or the other to a
specific speed).

-- Evan

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