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Subject2.2.15pre9 troubles with ppp (details)

> > I'm running 2.2.15pre9/pppd 2.3.11 via a 28.8 modem.
> >
> > When qmail uses qmail-remote or I use scp to deliver an out bound bit of
> > data. Near the end of the transmission the PPP connection stops. The
> > PPP session keeps the connection open but data no longer goes back and
> > forth.

On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 01:13:47PM +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> What system are you copying to, what does the tcpdump of the session look like
> ?

My system is top ( The destination system
is home (

Both are 2.2.15pre9 Linux systems running on AMD K6/3-400's with 128MB.

top is connected via dialup PPP connection over a 28.8 pcmcia modem.

home has an ADSL link with an Alcatel 1000 ADSL "modem".

In case one, I bringup the PPP connection and do

brian@top brian>scp comments1 home:
comments1 | 65 KB | 32.7 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%

The scp job hangs at this point, and so does the PPP session. No more
packets go back or forth, and after some lcp echo packet timeouts the
PPP session disconnects. (The blinky lights on wmppp are not blinking,
I might expect to see a blink every 10 seconds due to the lcp echo packets,
by even they don't show up).

In case two, I bringup the PPP connection and send an email to
and address at home. qmail spawns a 'qmail-remote' to deliver the
message and after some activity qmail-remote becomes stuck and no
more data goes back or forth on the connection. After a minute
or so the lcp echo packet timeouts cause the PPP session to drop
connection. (same behavior as above with the blinky lights of wmppp).

I've attached (gzip'ed) the 'tcpdump -i ppp0' logs of the each
test. (some extra diag messages are included at the top of each)

My pcmcia system is 3.1.11 and the pppd is from 2.3.11.

I hooked up my wife's system (laura) in place of top using
the same ISP, and phone line. Her system has a rockwell based
ISA 56K modem. Her system is also Linux 2.2.15pre9 and can
both qmail-remote and scp to home without problems.

The only real differences I can think of:

top: redhat 6.1 w/kernel 2.2.15pre9
pcmcia 3.1.11 serial/modem
laura: redhat 6.0 w/kernel 2.2.15pre9
kernel serial/modem
home: redhat 6.0 w/kernel 2.2.15pre9

Brian Litzinger <>
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