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SubjectRE: Linux/ix86 booting process and BIOS

Randy Dunlap wrote:
> You still didn't tell us WHY you are interested in
> fast booting. Not that I'm against it, but it's
> only critical to me if I'm rebooting often,
> or if I'm running a server or something like a
> set-top box, where down-time is critical, which
> you didn't say.

Ok. Just think of some kind of portable personal assistant. You
are interested in very low energy consumption, therefore you
switch it of while not using it. If you need some information
from the PA, switch it on once again and you want to boot it
really very fast. To implement such behaviour you have at least
two possibilities:
(1) You really boot each time the PA is switched on.
(2) You shut down the PA and save its state to persistent storage
(as in hibernation, but you can do it more intelligent using
swap as a first stage 'hibernation' partition and write only
the kernel to a dedicated hibernation partition. When starting
up you only restore the kernel. The paging system will do
the rest. On demand :-)). See Gabor Kuti's software suspend
I leave to question regarding the type of persistent storage open :-)

BTW, I consider (2) also of interest for Desktop boxes.


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