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Subject2.2.14+ide+raid+usb mem underuse + raid weirdness

Maybe somebody here can give me advice, what to do in the following

Problem 0:
I have a system runnig for along time now using 4 HDD-s (3 WD and a
samsung) on my ABIT BH6 with 256M memory. I tried to use an abit HotRod
(HPT366) but the DMA did not work, so I reverted, and have put all the
disks back to the two mainboard channels. (I will try to get a Promise
card, hoping thar it is driven better under linux).

Problem 1:
I use the new raid code so the drive order as I get it does not really
matter. The raid sets are auto-run. It did work for a while (I installed
the sysrem right onto raid with RedHat 6.1 installer), but after some time
lilo refused to write the boot onto all but one of the three disks
containing a copy of /dev/md0 raid1, mounted / (/boot included).
Now it have even gone worse, now lilo says:
main: GET_DISK_INFO: Invalid argument
Is there any tool to review and correct the possible errors in the raid
config superblocks? I ask this, because I suspect, that the info that the
kernel returns is incorrect (can this be tested?), and that is why the
same lilo previously able is now unable to analyze what to do for a raid1

Problem 2:
The prviously written lilo boot info has append="mem=256M", I have taken
some pci cards out, etc. and now linux only recorgnizes only 64M of my
ram. To make it even worse if I boot like:
lilo: linux mem=256M
the kernel still refuses to use more than 64M.
Now how on earth can it ignore this boot parameter???

-- SaPE

Peter, Sasi <>

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