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Subject[2.3.47pre3/sparc32] bootmem_init question
On my 64m/P5-166 Intel box at bootup:
On node 0 totalpages: 16384
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 12288 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.

Makes sense, 16384*PAGE_SIZE = 64 megs.

On a 32meg, Dual HyperSparc SS20:

bootmem_init: scan sp_banks, init_bootmem(spfn[239],epfn[cf4e])
free_bootmem: base[0] size[1000000]
free_bootmem: base[c000000] size[f4e000]
reserve_bootmem: base[0] size[23b9eb]
init_bootmem: return end_pfn[cf4e]
On node 0 totalpages: 53071
zone(0): 53071 pages.
zone(1): 0 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.

53071*PAGE_SIZE != 32 megs. It is in fact = cf4f000 which is

Seems to me that end_pfn should be 8192 instead of 53071, right?
Although I have the feeling I haven't properly wrapped my head around it
yet. :) What exactly does the pfn in end_pfn stand for? page frame
number? physical frame number?

The rest of the bootup is fine, and in the 'xxxk (xxxk reserved, xxk init,
etc.)' line the proper amount of ram is reported.

Also, the only way I could get the DEBUG_BOOTMEM messages to stay on the
screen long enough to see was to put a for(;;); right after 'em then
recompile, hard reset. :) There has to be an easier way, but I can't find
it (scroll-lock won't work, ctrl-s, nor L1-A)!

Wanting desperately to help sparc32 along in any way I can,

Chris Noe

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