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SubjectAthlon 650 + K7M is too slow!

Today I put together my new Athlon. It is a 650 MHz chip running on a K7M
motherboard. The power supply is one recommended by AMD, and the RAM is
PC133 which is certified by Accubyte to be good with Athlons.

Booting Redhat 6.1 (or the new beta, 6.1.92) give very poor memory

raid5: measuring checksumming speed
raid5: MMX detected, trying high-speed MMX checksum routines
pII_mmx : 78.105 MB/sec
p5_mmx : 75.819 MB/sec
8regs : 92.202 MB/sec
32regs : 42.291 MB/sec
using fastest function: 8regs (92.202 MB/sec)

The other weird thing is a two-tone siren that the PC speaker puts out
that I cannot turn off. I thought it was the "Chassis Intrusion" but I
can't seem to turn it off, even with the bios option for it.

We have another Athlon running in the lab here (500 MHz on an FIC SD11
board) and it outperforms this new machine by a factor of about 5 on
floating point tests and a factor of about 10 on memory transfer tests.

I've tried the Red Hat 2.2.12 and 2.2.15pre kernels with the same
disappointment. I think there might be a new BIOS out there, but can't
find it. It is supposed to allow super-bypass, but that can't account for
the slowness. I have even tried the memory from the 500 MHz machine. I
can't think of any other things to do. I have experienced no stability
trouble at all.

Is this a kernel issue? Any ideas would be appreciated. Please cc your
responce to my email address.



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