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Subject2.2.14 (and 2.2.13) crashes in tcp_keepalive
The system is basically Redhat 6.0, with a custom-compiled 2.2.14 kernel
(and 2.2.13 before that) which is crashing hard several times a week with a
screen like:

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at
virtual address 00000050
current -> tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3=001010000
* pde - 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010 [<c0177ac0>]
EFLAGS: 000010286

when I do a "nm vmlinux | sort > file" it looks like that EIP is pointing
to "c01779e0 t tcp_keepalive"

ksymoops also says: "EIP: c0177ac0 <tcp_keepalive+e0/180>"

(Sorry I didn't copy the full screen on the crash - was in a rush to
restore service.)

The hardware: AMD K6 233, two Linksys 10/100 NICs using the
Linksys-patched tulip driver (distributed from their Website; the version
with the kernel doesn't support the "wake on LAN" Linksys cards - which
are the only kind they seem to sell now), a Tekram DC-390F SCSI card - and
it's not the motherboard or the RAM at fault because I already swapped
both of those with no effect on the crashes.

The system is running with ipchains firewall/masquerading, Apache and
Proftpd as the major functions - a firewall/server.

Any hints on how to fix or avoid this will be much appreciated.


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