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SubjectRe: Of removable devices
Jesse Pollard wrote :
> >It is perfectly possible to handle this kind of thing on PC hardware, as
> >evidenced by other operating systems that do it. If it's too hard for
> >Linux then fine, but that should be admitted fairly instead of just saying
> >the user is an idiot for wanting it.
> really? All systems using the current floppy drives have that problem. If
> the user pops the floppy out you are just as likely to get a blown format
> and getting a warning "put that back" message. Once the format is blown
> putting it back is useless.

What do you mean by "blown format" ?

I you eject a floppy during read on amiga , just just get a "Put it back
in !"
message , and when you put in back in , it continues with read and
nothing bad
For writing it is a little bit worse , becasue amigaOS just overwrites (
the entire track ,so some older sectors might be lost, but this isn't
the case
on wintel PCs, because they operate sector-wise , so it shouldn't be a

The kernel just retries the failed sector and everything is OK.

Anyway, if the floppy is ejected when no R/W operation is in progress,
then there
is _absolutely_ no problem. User puts the floppy back on request and the
world is saved !

And dont come with that "Where should be the request displayed" cr*p !
If you have no better idea, display it on the console !

Or just display not message , but start blinking the drive LED and move
head like crazy , right after the in-use floppy is removed. That should
get the (l)user's attention :-)

And also remember , that this problem CAN and already HAS BEEN solved. (
but in linux - yet )
It is just a question of writing some code.

David Balazic

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