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SubjectPR regarding 2.4 release
Hi everybody,

I was reading LWN today and discovered that lots of good things are being
added to 2.3, which makes me very happy. Only LVM and Reiserfs appear to be
missing right now. [1]

However, addition of these features is sure to delay 2.4, which had been
announced more or less to be released around now.

Maybe it would be a good idea to publicly revise this estimate, or at least
make some kind of announcement that we are taking somewhat longer to improve
the kernel even further, instead of being harrowed by 'ridiculous marketing

This would be a good thing because:

* it stresses that we value quality

* it indicates that we do not release before we are ready
(and no 65.000 'bugs' either)

* it allows us to further tout the amazing features 2.4 will bring
to the world

* it would prevent nasty articles indicating that linux development
is lagging, or lax.

I'm not sure how such an announcement would have to be made, but people here
will know.


bert 'wrote one line of the linux kernel' hubert

[1] I know, there are reasons, I also know that more things may be missing

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