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Subjectes1371 in 2.3.46
G'day all,
Maiden post, so please be gentle..
After wrangling with this driver for a while, it finally
compiles with 2.3.46.

It appears to have a problem with the /dev/mixer interface
as it crashes any mixer app I try to run.

I have a Gateway Solo 2150 Laptop with the Creative EV1938
Sound chip, the main problem being I can get NO mixer
control over this chip.

2.3.35 would compile and run ok, and the mixer would appear
to work, but would make no change to the hardware..
At least it did not segfault the mixers.

I have tried aumix, xmix and wmmixer all to the same result..
I have also tried booting with win98 first, setting the mixer
and warmbooting. This seems to work for 2.2.14, in that the
speaker works for console beeps, but the 2.2.14 driver won't
talk to this chip. But when I boot any 2.3.x kernel it
silences the whole thing on startup..

Where to next.. I'm not proficient in C, but I'll take the
time to do whatever it requires to solve the problem..
Problem being, I don't know where to start...

<Sig Snipped Coz the post was long enough>

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