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SubjectRe: Of removable devices
Jason L Tibbitts III <>:
>RW> Which user's screen should that dialogue appear on?
>The one "close" to the floppy, of course. Associate consoles and devices.
>If a network user is accessing the floppy sitting next to my keyboard and I
>\ull the floppy out, I should be the one to get the notice. If I have two
>complete heads sitting on a machine and a USB floppy sitting there next to
>:1, then the user logged into :1 should get the notice if they pull the
>I'm sure the person inventive enough to work out the infrastructure for
>having the kernel alert a userspace notification daemon would be smart
>enough to allow for a device->console mapping.

And who gets the notice if no one is there? or no one is logged in?
Jesse I Pollard, II

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