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SubjectRe: Kernel developers

>From: Bill Wendling <>
>Important all the time (for any code worth someone looking at). However,
>programmers are not tech writers...

<ahem> Watch out for overgeneralization. I'm a programmer that also does
technical writing. My forte is industry standards, but I do a fair amount
in other areas.

For example, I just got my copy of _Linux IP Stacks Commentary_ (co-written
with H.B.J.Clifford, long time associate and partner in crime) in from
Coriolis, nine months of reverse-engineering the TCP/IP stack in kernel 2.0.34.

As soon as the core network implementation in Linux appears to have settled
in 2.3.x, I'll be starting the technical work on the second edition of the
commentary with the target of having a version of the Commentary available
based on 2.4.0 final code on the Web once Linus is comfortable with the
release and I can complete the reverse-engineering. Publishing the first
hack on the Web means less delay from completion of a section to making it
available to the readers.

(And before you ask, Coriolis isn't paying anything for the follow-on work
until the Second Edition is commissioned -- it's all off my own time and my
own dime until then, absent any funding source I can find on my own.)


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