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Subject2.3.46 and 2.3.47pre2 console weirdness?
When sshing to my mailserver in a console and loading up mutt, I see that
sometimes when there is a big screen update or when a lot of text is sent
at once, the console somehow gets stuck as if I pressed ^S or
scroll-lock, but the scroll-lock LED does not light. If I press
scroll-lock twice, the session resumes. Pressing it once makes the LED
come on, but nothing changes.

I just noticed this is easily reproducible by typing "ps aux" at the
shell. I have to press scroll-lock twice, sometimes multiple times, to
get through the ps output. ^S and ^Q do not appear to change anything.

I can't reproduce it over my LAN with a "ps" listing, but "yes" seems to
show it quite easily.

"yes" locally in a console doesn't seem to do anything. Ahh, it does
happen if I ssh to localhost, though (not using unix98 ptys). devfs is
disabled. Seems to work fine in terminals in X.


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