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SubjectRe: PCMCIA still doesn't work for 2.3.46-pre2
> I second the motion. I'd also like a way of probing to check. I don't
> like having to rely on the word of the bloke at the markets I bought
> it from.

The "cardctl status" command says whether cards are CardBus or 16-bit.

Someone else suggested checking the "keys" on the PCMCIA connector.
These are keyed to the voltage(s) supported by the card. The vast
majority of 16-bit cards are keyed for 5V, and all CardBus cards are
currently keyed for 3.3V. But the voltage keys aren't 100% reliable,
because 16-bit cards with 3.3V keys do exist.

There's another easy way to distinguish CardBus cards. All CardBus
cards have a row of eight sharp dimples on the top of the card along
the edge that has the CardBus connector. These are part of the spec,
and connect to a ground plate in the CardBus socket.

The Xircom REM56G is a 16-bit card, even though it is 10/100. At
100baseT, it will be faster than 10baseT, but that's about all you can
say about it. The best performance I've seen from a 16-bit card at
100baseT is about 1.5 MB/sec.

-- Dave

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