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SubjectIDE remounts in 2.3.42 under heavy usage
For the past 3 days under heavy disk usage I've been recieving   
errors causing a remount I don't know if it was becuase of heavy usage and
these are cheap harddrives or me moving /var and /usr to a larger
partion but here is one of the instances:

I was taring this partion (hda5) when this happened and was also taring
hda7 my / when it happened there to before this one a day earlier.

Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1119716192, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1584434272, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1540597720, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1730984204, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1458028684, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1783721960, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=662043544, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1160137568, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1975374304, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1289452432, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=2000495880, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1239289260, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=225635276, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=132342624, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1883176820, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=818984968, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 9 01:10:41 debian kernel: 03:41: rw=0, want=1114918164, limit=6634813
Feb 9 01:11:46 debian kernel: blocks not in datazone - block = 199234680,
count = 1
Feb 9 01:11:46 debian kernel: Remounting filesystem read-only
Feb 9 01:11:46 debian last message repeated 106 times
Feb 9 01:11:46 debian kernel: locks not in datazone - block = 1605077651,
count = 1
Feb 9 01:11:46 debian kernel: Remounting filesystem read-only
Feb 9 01:11:46 debian last message repeated 106 timmes

That cuased a remount of /dev/hda5

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