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Subjectlinux 2.2.19pre1 oops on cpuid

I have linux 2.2.19pre1 and have compiled the cpuid as a module. The
kernel will oops if the cpuid module isn't loaded and one does
/cat/dev/cpu/0/cpuid or /cat/dev/cpu/1/cpuid.

Question: Is it possible to update the ksymoops utility to a
newer version vs. the one supplied which is v0.6?

Question: When the cpuid module is loaded and I do a
cat/dev/cpu/0/cpuid it gives me a code "C" forover. What does this code
mean. I'm stil new to what it will be used for. Moreover, is there
a list of all the possible code values it may take on for intel
processors vs. other processor types?


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