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Subjectaccessing on-card ram/rom
Hi All,

I have a PCI card which has on-card ram/rom which gets mapped
into pci address space and there is a separate base register
for this memory. Now the question is : can I access this on-card
memory by converting the pci base address into the virtual address
using bus_to_virt and adding the required offset ? Or do I need
to use ioremap function to map the physical address space starting
from the pci base address into the kernel virtual address space ?
Or is there any other interface to access the on-card memory ?
Is it that bus_to_virt can be used only for the normal RAM ?

I tried using bus_to_virt to get the virtual address and then access
it and the kernel panics.

Please copy me on your replies as I am not on the list.

Thanks and regards,
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