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SubjectUnable to mount fs : kernel 2.4.0-test11
 Dear sirs,
I've found I not the only one who find something's wrong with new kernel.
That is , When I build kernel 2.4.0-test9 on my PC with IDE disk , It's
all OK.
But When I build it on DELL 6450, SCSI/RAID on it, It's wrong.
When I use Redhat 6.2 , or when I build 2.2.17, everything's OK. all the
modules I need to add to the kernel is eppro100.o for NIC , aix7xxx.o for
SCSI and megaraid.o for RAID.
But when I download 2.4.0-test9, and config it with the same configuation
with before, It's wrong. it tell me:
Megaraid : v107 (December 22.1999)
Megaraid : found 0x8086:0x1960: in 03:0b.1
Megaraid : board configured for I2O,ignoring this card .Reconfigure the
Medaraid : in the BIOS for "mass storage" to use it with this driver.
VFS : Cannot open root device "801" or 08:01
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic :VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 08:01

and system halted. I don't know what to do. I've selected the Ramdisk ,the
support of I2O, and not use the modules in the new kernel, I add all of the
modules into kernel. but nothing happened.
(when I try to rpm to new kernel from Redhat 7.0 by using the disc2, it's
all the same.)
Is there anybody can tell us something? thanks a lot!
if I cannot solve the problem, they'll choose the D- Windows 2k. I don't
wanna see it happened.
the most important thing is to make the Linux support 4GB RAM. is there any
other way except for waiting for the stable 2.4.0? thanks a lot!

yours sincerely,
Nick Cheng

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