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SubjectRe: shm swapping in 2.4 again
On 15 Nov 2000, Christoph Rohland wrote:

> - shm_swap is called from swap_out. Actually on my machine after a
> while it only gets called without __GFP_IO set, which means it will
> not do anything which again leads to deadlock.

Only _without_ __GFP_IO ? That's not quite right since
that way the system will never get around to swapping out
dirty pages...

> - If I call this from page_launder it will work much better, but after a
> while it gets stuck on prepare_highmem_swapout and will again lock
> up under heavy load.

So calling it from page_launder() is just a workaround to
make the deadlock more difficult to trigger and not a fix?

> 2) Integrating it into the global lru lists and/or the page cache.
> I think the second approach is the way to go but I do not
> understand the global lru list handling enough to do this and I
> do not know if we can do this in the short time.

Indeed, this is the way to go. However, for 2.4 ANY change
that makes the system work would be a good one ;)


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