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SubjectRE: catch 22 - porting net driver from 2.2 to 2.4
Where can I find info about that ?
My first idea was to fire a timer and let the callback routine do the work,
but I worry about synchronization and about passing the list of items for it
to handle.
What is the accepted way of starting a kernel thread and how do I handle
parameters and sync. ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Garzik []
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 7:37 PM
To: Hen, Shmulik
Cc: 'LNML'; 'LKML';
Subject: Re: catch 22 - porting net driver from 2.2 to 2.4

do_ioctl is inside rtnl_lock...

Remember if you need to alter the rules, you can always queue work in
the current context, and have a kernel thread handle the work. The nice
thing about a kernel thread is that you start with a [almost] clean
state, when it comes to locks.


Jeff Garzik |
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