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SubjectTCP: peer x.x.x.x:y/z shrinks window a:b:c...

I've begun to test 2.4.0 kernels on some high traffic machines to see
what kind of difference it makes. I have seen a lot of these error
messages in dmesg and although they don't seem to happen very often and
seem harmless, I figured I'd report it anyway. They show up in groups
(mostly) from the same IP and only in very small numbers (3-15).

IPs have been changed to protect the innocent:

TCP: peer x.x.x.x:1268/7777 shrinks window 2604660027:635:2604661487.
Bad, what else can I say?
TCP: peer x.x.x.x:1268/7777 shrinks window 2604662947:121:2604664407.
Bad, what else can I say?
TCP: peer x.x.x.x:1268/7777 shrinks window 2604665867:635:2604667327.
Bad, what else can I say?

and another:

TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548103043:635:548104503. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548119685:620:548121145. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548122605:635:548124065. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548125525:635:548126985. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548128445:635:548129905. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548143150:635:548144610. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548146070:635:548146913. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548156080:635:548157540. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548163715:635:548165175. Bad,
what else can I say?
TCP: peer y.y.y.y:1125/7777 shrinks window 548175395:635:548176311. Bad,
what else can I say?

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