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SubjectRe: Announce: initrd-tftp 0.1
> you are proposing that the embedded distro now need to have have a copy
> ld, plus kernel object files? Hmm. ok, add in one copy of binutils,
> (about 2.2 megs), plus an _uncompressed_ copy of the kernel object files
> (about 1.2 meg), plus the initrd image. My embedded system just grew by
> almost 3.5 megs.

Your distribution grew by 2.5 floppy disks. I assume you are using glibc,
if so you clearly dont care about the odd 2Mbytes here and there. Your
embedded system hasnt changed size at all. Since your embedded customers
almost certainly want to compile their own applications they are kind of
likely to want binutils and gcc anyway. You have to ship the kernel
source so whats the problem.

> It seems to me that having this patch in the kernel, thereby de-coupling
> the kernel from the initrd would be much better.

So you think its more important to ship 3.5Mb less code to a small number
of embedded systems people than to slap another chunk of code into the kernel
that needs maintaining, updating and downloading by zillions of mainstream

I don't.


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