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SubjectRe: Announce: initrd-tftp 0.1
On Sat Jan 08, 2000 at 07:04:50PM +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> > for powerpc, for example, I have to compile up and piece together the
> > initrd, then compile the initrd into the kernel. This works fine for my
> You have to append the initrd to the kernel. You don't have to recompile it
> all. You can even build the entire kernel into a single object file with
> all internal references resolved, then just ld -o kernel linux.o initrd.o
> The tools exist.

Sure the tools exist. But I don't want to have to include them into my
embedded distro if there is a better way. If an embedded distro using
an initrd that has been booted over the network needs to be able (when
properly prompted) to update the initrd on the remote tftp server, then
you are proposing that the embedded distro now need to have have a copy
ld, plus kernel object files? Hmm. ok, add in one copy of binutils,
(about 2.2 megs), plus an _uncompressed_ copy of the kernel object files
(about 1.2 meg), plus the initrd image. My embedded system just grew by
almost 3.5 megs.

It seems to me that having this patch in the kernel, thereby de-coupling
the kernel from the initrd would be much better.


Erik B. Andersen Web:
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