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Subject2.2.14 oopses : is this a clue ?
Hi all,

I had an oops yesterday in ext2_check_dir_entry()
(fs/ext2/dir.c). Although I couldn't grab the
I'm pretty sure it's because the dir_entry pointer
was NULL.

Why do I think about this, would you say ?

Simply because of exactly same a problem I reported
weeks ago to the reiserfs developpers, in which case
it was really "de" which was NULL. I inserted a test
on "de" in this function, and no more crash, but no
message either, so no possible conclusion on this...
I must say that it occured on a bad disk with lots of
hardware errors, and I don't use this disk anymore,
do use reiserfs on my notebook without an error.

In the two last oops reports in LKML, the dir_entry
is involved ...

in doubt, I've added a check on "de" at the very
beginning of ext2_check_dir_entry, and I'm waiting
for the crash to appear again, or at least a message.
Is there a reason for which all these functions to be
called with a NULL dir_entry ?

I'm wondering about using IKD for this, but I don't
know if I could insert break points in the source
code, sort of "asserts" which force it to take the
control in case of a condition match. Eg:

if (de == NULL)

Perhaps something such as *(int *)NULL=0 ?


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