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SubjectRecovering from ext2 corruption on an ide drive
Hello again!

I have some more information regarding this ide filesystem corruption.
I did not make one point very clear in my first email:

I ran "e2fsck -vyf" only on hda1 and only one time. The other two
partitions, hda2 and hda5 have not been written to at all.

I have tried all kinds of things to access my data today. I was able to
set up the old system board that I thought had died and was able to get it
to boot. I ran an 'e2fsck -vnf' on the partitions, and all three were
corrupted, with hda1 being the most messed up.

I had figured the problem would be drive geometry. But, no, the drive
geometry is the same on the new and the old systems: hda is 39560/16/63
cyls, heads, and sects. Both kernel 2.0.35 (the old system's kernel and
the one on the slackware-3.6 rescue bootdisks) and kernel 2.2.6 (the one
on the slackware-4.0 bootdisks) see the drive with this same geometry.

Well, I have no idea why the drive was corrupted to begin with, but I do
believe that when I fsck'ed hda1 I was also messing up hda2 and hda5. So,
I guess I will try to copy of the directories and files that I can, then
fsck the disk and see if I can get more data out with each pass. Does
this sound like a good strategy? This looks pretty bleak.

- John Frear


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