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SubjectStrange NFS (userland) problem...

Recently I moved a few virtual domains from one web server to another for
load balancing reasons.

Not wanting to make the customer look somewhere else for logs, I NFS
mounted the directory where the logs reside to the new machine that the domains
were on so that they could continue to log in the same location.

I ran into some very strange behavior; logs would grow from zero bytes up
to about 4k, only if you cat the file it's all nulls, and then recycle to zero.
It seems that when Apache's many processes write to logs there is no
synchronization or something.

Moving the logs to a local partition fixed the problem. I could copy
files on the NFS mounted partition and they would copy fine. I ended up
relocating all of the logs to a local partition and that worked fine.

The machines are presently running Linux 2.2.14, I tried reverting back to
2.2.13 just on the off-chance that it was a newly introduced bug, but exactly
the same behavior was present under 2.2.13.

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