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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Replacing __SMP__ by CONFIG_SMP globally in linux-2.3.39.
__SMP__ was the irregular hack, and CONFIG_SMP is the regular replacement.
It's regular because it looks and behaves like other CONFIG options.
In 2.5 I am going to try to kill __SMP__.

It would be very nice to have a Documentation/kbuild/external-module.txt
file that defines the interface between the kernel and external
module sources. (There is a policy problem here because we do not
encourage binary-only modules).

If that file existed, it would say:

__SMP__ is supported in kernels up to and including 2.4.
CONFIG_SMP is available for testing in kernels 2.2 and later.

Note the overlap in 2.2 and 2.4. That gives people plenty of time
to change.

So the portable way to *test* for smp-ness is:

#if defined(__SMP__) || defined(CONFIG_SMP)

The portable way to *define* smp-ness is:


Michael Elizabeth Chastain
"love without fear"

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