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SubjectSome general LINUX questions on compiling and header files
I've been looking around and haven't been able to find a few things on Linux
that I was expecting to find.

1. Is there a standard preprocessor token you can check for to know that the
compilation is on Linux? I'm looking for something like the __sun token that
is predefined by the compiler, so I can put conditional code in a module I
share amoungst multiple operating systems.

2. Where is the <stddef.h> header file required by ANSI C? I looked in
/usr/include and didn't see it.

3. In kernel code, are you supposed to directly read jiffies or should you
use a routine to access it? If so, what is the name of the routine? On other
operating systems, they use a routine to access the information. From what
I've seen, it looks like it is just directly accessed in Linux.

4. When compiling a kernel module, what special flags are required? I would
expect to have to put in '-r -nostdlib' at the very least.


SBS Technologies, Connectivity Products
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