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Subject2.3.16 pro and cons
Hi all!

Yesterday I tried 2.3.16 for a change, and, well, it didn't run as smoothly
as I expected.

The first try it ran slow, and after one minute of uptime it 'lost' my NIC,
which uses the ne2k-pci driver as a module. rmmod and insmod-ing this driver
didn't help, it didn't come back.

After I took a better look, using vmstat, under no usage, it seemed some
thing was generating *lots* of interrupts, in the region 34000 ints/sec.
/proc/pci said my es1370-soundcard to be guilty, so I recompiled the kernel
to be a module.

Try two: now I loaded the ne2k-module without having the es1370 module in
mem, and all seemed to be well; inserting the es1370, with or without the
eth0-driver, caused lots of interrupts again and after a while I wasn't able
to access my local network anymore.

This all happened on a dual PII-350 with 256MB RAM on a Gigabyte
686BXD-motherbord with a 440BX chipset. Devices on it are: a Realtek 8029
and a Realtek 8139 NIC; a Ensoniq Audiopci soundcard, a FlyVideo 98 (bt878)
capture card [no driver loaded] and finally a Matrox Mystique G200 as video
device [using matroxfb].

BTW, it makes no difference whether I enable the PIIX4-ACPI driver or not.

The final con: my machine crashes on shutdown, I was to sleepy to write the
oops down, but since it has been reported multiple times, maybe a fix is
on its way.

The pro: I finally got my printer to work using the USB port! Thanks a lot!
Now I can reconnect my cpu-usage LEDs to the parallel port!

__ ___ __ C. Jasper Spaans <> -o)
/ //__ /\\
/__ __/ __/ _\_v
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