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SubjectCPU scaling in Linux 2.2.x

I've built non-SMP kernels for the two SS-10's here as suggested by David
Miller, which running on a single CPU, are working fine but slower. But I
thought it was interesting how much difference what the machines are doing made
in terms of the benefits of having multiple CPU's.

The web server, with 4 CPU's running 2.2.10, with Andrea's schedualer
patch, and the others I mentioned, was running around 15% CPU occupancy,
with one CPU only about 25%, so it doesn't benefit a whole bunch from multiple
CPU's. The news server on the other hand went from 9% to slightly more than
25% and the latency went up substantially (and NNTP is very sensitive to
latency and thus it's ability to keep up with an incoming feed was
substantially hurt).

I just thought it was interesting how a machine doing a lot of network I/O
barely benefits from the additional CPU's, but one doing a lot of disk I/O
benefits greatly. For the web server it strongly suggests I'd be better of
getting a single 160mhz module verses quad 100's and that's a lot cheaper than
replacing the whole machine. But the news server is another matter.

Has anybody tried 2.3 kernels on Sparc-32? Last time I grabbed a 2.3
kernel it wouldn't compile but I haven't done so recently.

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